Ubuntu remove package and dependencies

Warning: This can remove packages that you might still want. If this happens just reinstall them. This will list all the obsolete and unused packaged and left over dependencies taking up important space on your system.

We can remove packages installed in Ubuntu either through apt or dpkg . Uninstall unused packages. While installing some software, your package manager may download dependencies that are required to install a . Use the Synaptic Package Manager. Remove With Ubuntu Software Manager. Apt-Get Purge Command. Normally, removing a package using YUM package.

Ubuntu packages , search installed packages , find dependencies , view information about installed packages , and more. The dist-upgrade command may therefore remove some packages. Dependencies are additional packages required by the principal package in. When removing packages from your system with apt-get remove or apt-get. Whenever you install a new package that depends on other packages , the package dependencies will be installed . Removing a local package from your node_modules directory.

DOES remove the packages without complaining about the failed install. That get you disk space to do apt-get -f autoremove. I faced this problem with a broken package , rvm. In this article, we will explain two ways to remove a package along with their dependencies using YUM package manager in CentOS and RHEL . You have tried to remove a package in Ubuntu but to no avail ? For the most part, APT is easy to use for installing, removing , and updating packages. In rare instances, often when you are mixing in third-party dependencies , . This command is used to remove a package but leave all of.

How do I reinstall a package using apt-get command line? If yes , remove unused dependency packages for all module states except build-dep. Debian or Ubuntu Linux. Running yarn remove foo will remove the package named foo from your direct dependencies updating your package. I need to remove libgl1-mesa-swx1 as after I installed it, it has slowed down all . When you install a package with pip, it also installs all of the dependencies the package requires.

Package managers are able to fix broken packages to get your system. Related : How to Fix Ubuntu Update Errors. Apt has a couple of flags you can use to fix missing dependencies or packages that broke for one reason or another. I could explain to my self that. Yum is not able to remove a package without also removing packages which.

Most of the people using Ubuntu or Mint will be using Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Software Center to manage the applications installed on their . I had read a discussion pertaining to apt vs apt-get vs synaptic. Just use the command. Using dpkg from command line. As such, it will fail if a dependency is not met. To remove just pythonpackage.

To completely remove everything associated with a package , use the -P or.


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